First installation session in Hamburg

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First platform tests in Hamburg
Platform tests at ARIF Hamburg (Copyright: DLR)

A first on site installation session was conducted for the Hamburg Exercise. WP Partners DLR and SINTEF had a three day installation and technical system preparation meeting at the ARIF Hamburg from 23rd to 25th of January. The interface to the operational data systems like A-SMGCS and AODB are now in place to support the routing and planning function of the SINTEF Optimization Library. Connections and data exchange between the systems have been tested based on real operational data. The routing algorithm was fed with live position data and was able to calculate dedicated routes for aircraft currently operating at the airport. The HMI was tested with the current Hamburg Layout, which covers the actual construction works at the airport.

During talks to Apron Controllers from Hamburg Airport, background information on the actual system usage and procedures have been collected and will help to tune all systems to the specific airport characteristics. Based on the results of this first test the next functions to be integrated have been discussed and developments on both sides will be continued. Even there is no specific date for the next installation session a continuous/periodic integration and testing of new and existing functions is planned.